The religious program is for public school children from grades K through 8. Classes are held from September to May. Children must complete religious education grades K through 8 in order to give them a basic foundation upon which to build their lives as committed Roman Catholics. Vacation Bible School (Pre-K to Grade 5) is available in the second week of June each year.

2024-2025 CCD Registration

CCD Payment

Vacation Bible School

CCD Resources

2024-25 Calendar

Parent Handbook

Chapter Tests

Interested in Volunteering?

In order to volunteer in the CCD program, the Archdiocesan safe environment guidelines must be completed, i.e. Protecting God’s Children session (facilitated by Deacon Mike), volunteer application and a background screening. Please contact Deacon Mike for more information.


Children in St. John the Apostle’s Religious Education program are required to complete 8 years of religious education, as well as complete special Confirmation preparation requirements in their final year of study.
We also have a class for children and teenagers who have missed any years of religious education, and are of Confirmation age.

First Communion

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) introduces adults to the Catholic faith and tradition, as well as prepares adults for receiving the Sacraments. The RCIA process is one of study, exploration, faith sharing and faith formation. The RCIA Process is for adults who seek full initiation in the Catholic Church, including those who have never been baptized, and those who have not yet received all the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist).

For more information, check out the RCIA YouTube channel

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Deacon Mike York

Director of Religious Education


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